The Project "Streets of Muharraq", is from an ongoing larger body of work, A "Portrait of Bahrain" which is my attempt to capture the diversity of culture, religion, the old and young, contemporary and traditional, all of which inform the rich tapestry of Bahrain. Walking the streets of Muharraq at different times of the day is a way of getting to know the ebbs and flows of people who work, live, shop and visit the narrow streets and courtyards found there. The changing light as the sun rises from the East and sets in the West creates playful shadows and light wells in the nooks and crannies of the labyrinth that is old Muharraq. It is this combination which forms the basis of where I point my camera. Sometimes through interaction with the characters that occupy the streets, sharing stories or simply greeting one another, other times it's the way the light falls or the juxtaposition of people in the scene